Our current global associates and their territories are detailed below, please contact them directly if you have an enquiry in their region.

Region: A
Contact: Ken Purington, +1 610 268 2221, ken.purinton@dsiamerica.com
Registered Office: 320 Marmon Drive, Bolingbrook, IL, 60440, USA
DYWIDAG-Systems International Inc – DSI is a global leading system supplier of innovative technologies for Construction and Underground. In more than 90 countries and at 28 regional manufacturing sites, DSI develops, produces and supplies high quality systems such as DYWIDAG Post-Tensioning Systems, Geotechnical Systems and “Concrete Accessories“. Furthermore, the product range includes a wide variety of anchors and ground support products for Mining and Tunnelling.
Region: A
Contact: Mary-Ellen Bruce, +1 724 942-4220, Geotechnica@comcast.net
Registered Office: 318 Walnut Drive, Venetia, PA, 15367, USA
Geotechnica S.A. Inc – Geotechnica is a small owner managed engineering consultancy offering technical, project management, research, and administration services to the geotechnical and civil engineering communities across America. This woman-owned business enterprise is operated by Ms. Bruce, and particular areas of practice include: geotechnical design preparation and review; geotechnical report writing and technical editing; drilling inspection; market studies; and project management.
Region: A
Contact: Drew Floyd, +1 508 878 0002, dfloyd@mtac.com
Registered Office: 100 Stickle Avenue, Rockaway, NJ, 07866, USA
Moretrench American Corporation – Moretrench is a nationally renowned geotechnical contractor who specialize in design/build solutions to meet the diverse conditions and construction challenges that impact so many of today’s projects. They offer a comprehensive range of technologies backed by superior engineering and proven on-site capability enabling them to design and construct applications for the specialized needs of subsurface construction.
Region: A
Contact: Dave Salter, +1 818 402 3962, DRS@DRS-Engineering.net
Registered Office: 3300 Airport Ave. Suite 11, Santa Monica, California, 90405, USA
Profile:DRS Engineering Inc & Contech Construction Products Inc, Joint Venture – DRS are a specialist engineering consultancy designing earth support systems and speciality foundations across North America. www.drs-engineering.net
Contech provide solutions and project management to a number of sectors including the geotechnical sector.
Region: A, B, C, D, E, F, G
Contact: Tolga Ozudogru, +1 540 278 6797, tolga@hetGE.com
Registered Office: 301 Hunt Club Rd, #6300F Blacksburg, VA 24060, USA
Profile: hetGE – hetGE is a geotechnical software company that specializes in designing engineering apps for iOS devices – iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. hetGE develop unique applications that encapsulate both routine and highly specialized geotechnical analysis. Beautiful and intuitive touch-driven user interfaces take the user from data input to results derived from complex calculations in moments. Premium apps (available on the iTunes App Store) have been purchased by hundreds of engineers, while our free apps have been adopted by thousands. SBMA Ltd commissioned hetGE to develop an iPad app to execute the design and analysis procedures for SBMA type anchors.
Region: A, B, C, D, E, F, G
Contact: Dr Devon Mothersille, + 44 (0) 7961134943, theteam@geoserveglobal.com
Registered Office: 51 Inchmery Road, London, SE6 2NA, UK
Profile:Geoserve Global Ltd – Focused on ’Bridging the Gap’ between clients, consultants and contractors by advising on the design, specification, installation and site supervision of Geotechnical processes throughout the world.
Region: B
Contact: Julio Garcia Mena Cabredo, +34 914 237 500, Julio.gc@kellerterra.com
Registered Office: No. 45 Bis, E28037, Madrid, Spain
Profile:Keller Group Plc – Keller is one of the world’s leading geotechnical contractors. Its principal activities are solutions in the field of soil improvement and groundwater control with the in-house capacity to carry out all types of ground engineering techniques and is particularly strong in soil improvement and grouting. SBMA and Keller Terra serve the regions of Spain and Portugal.
Region: B
Contact: Frederic Trummer, +49 698 051-0, F.Trummer@kellergrundbau.at
Registered Office: Via Bressanone 9, 16154, Genova, Italy
Profile:SBMA and Keller Grundbau serve the construction industry across Austria.
Region: B
Contact: Gianni Carnabuci, +39 010 6011313, info@decanet.it
Registered Office: Mariahilfer Strasse 127a, 1150 Wien, Austria
Profile:DECA SRL – DECA are manufacturers of provisional and strand anchors and continuous threaded bars and are based in Italy. The company also has the equipment necessary for stressing and testing of the anchors such as hydraulic stressing units calibrated by official calibration center (SIT centers) with applicable hydraulic jacks and, upon request, can provide assistance to perform stressing and testing of anchors in the field.
Region: G
Contact: Mr Jamal Nasir, +974 4488 6531, qatar@ammico.biz
Registered Office: PO Box 14330, Doha, Qatar
Profile:Ammico Contracting Co W.L.L. – Ammico is a certified specialist geotechnical contracting company with forty years of international experience who specialise in foundation engineering, marine works and ground engineering and civil works. Over the past four decades Ammico has established a reputation for speed and quality of work, technical skill and know how of it’s staff and the ability to deliver under demanding site conditions and tight schedules.
Region: G
Contact: Mr Gavin Byrne, +27 (0) 11 531 2700, +27 (0) 11 786 9360, gavin.byrne@esorfranki.co.za
Registered Office: 688 Old Main Pretoria Road, Wynberg, Sandton 2090, P O Box 39075, Bramley, 2018, South Africa
Profile:Esorfranki Geotechnical – Formally a member of the worldwide Franki group, was established in 1946 and is the oldest and largest specialist geotechnical contractor operating throughout South Africa, sub-Saharan Africa and Indian Ocean Islands. The company possesses a high level of geotechnical knowledge and experience that has been obtained from being involved in many large and prestigious contracts. Esorfranki’s geotechnical capabilities include design and construct services and an expanding product range in the areas of soils investigation, piled foundations, lateral support, marine structures, grouting and soil improvement.
Region: C
Contact: Dr Rasin Duzceer, +90 (212) 274 58 42, rasin@kasktas.com.tr
Registered Office: E. İsmail Hakkı Bey Sok. No: 31 34349, Balmumcu, İstanbul, Türkiye
Profile:KASKTAS Piling & Drilling Contractors Co – Kasktas is a leading international geotechnical engineering contractor who has the experience, know-how, manpower, machinery and equipment to carry out almost all activities in the field using state of the art technologies. Kasktas moved into the international arena in 1980 and currently has projects in the Middle Eastern and North Africa countries as well as in the Russian Federation and CIS republics.
Region: C
Contact: Dr Rasin Duzceer, +90 (212) 274 58 42, rasin@kasktas.com.tr
Registered Office: 127051 G.Moskova Tsvetnoy Bulvar Dom, 25 Str.3 Moskova, Rusya
Profile: www.kasktas.com.ru
Region: D
Contact: Bora Okumusoglu, +7 985 237 88 36, bora@hetGE.com
Registered Office: 13/A Blok Daire 7, Yenilevent/Istanbul, 34330 Istanbul, Turkey
Profile: hetGE – hetGE is a geotechnical software company that specializes in designing engineering apps for iOS devices – iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. hetGE develop unique applications that encapsulate both routine and highly specialized geotechnical analysis. Beautiful and intuitive touch-driven user interfaces take the user from data input to results derived from complex calculations in moments. Premium apps (available on the iTunes App Store) have been purchased by hundreds of engineers, while our free apps have been adopted by thousands. SBMA Ltd commissioned hetGE to develop an iPad app to execute the design and analysis procedures for SBMA type anchors.
Region: E
Contact: Paul McBarron, +61 2 9491 7100, pmcb@menardbachy.com.au
Registered Office: Level 3, 13-15 Lyonpark Road, Maquarie Park, NSW, 2113, Australia
Profile: Menard Bachy Pty Ltd – Menard Bachy is Australia’s leading geotechnical specialist with a reputation for quality and innovation within the field of ground improvement and geotechnical engineering. SBMA Ltd and Menard have been in partnership for over a decade with several highly successful project completions.
Region: E
Contact: Bede Noonan, +61 3 9624 4200, bede@geotech.net.au
Registered Office: 174 Turner Street, Port Melbourne, Victoria, 3207, Australia
Profile: Geotechnical Engineering Pty – Geotechnical Engineering (Geotech) is one of Australia’s most diversely skilled civil contracting businesses. Geotech offers project management, engineering and construction services to local, national and international clients working throughout Australasia. Geotech specialise in the delivery of a unique range of specialist civil construction projects. Service include: Geotechnical Construction, Basement and Foundation Construction, Dam Upgrades, Power and Hydro Power, Geotechnical Services and Civil Contracting.
Region: G
Contact: Mr Marco Vogel, Tel. +971 2 672 1405, email: info-auh@baueruae.ae
Registered Office: Office No. 304, Al Ain Tower, Hamdan Street P.O. Box 43673, Abu Dhabi
Profile: In the Gulf Region Bauer began its operations in 1979 in Saudi Arabia involving its high level expertise in geotechnical and foundation engineering and providing cost effective solutions to the most prestigious projects in the Middle East. Having permanent offices in United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, it also works on project basis in Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain. Bauer is committed to high level of quality and customer satisfaction.
Region: G
Contact: Mr Ashraf Waby, Tel. +20(2)33026083, email: baueregypt@baueregypt.com
Registered Office: 107, 26 July Street, El Mohandeseen, Cairo
Profile: Bauer Egypt has established itself as one of the most reliable specialized foundations contractors in Egypt. It has gained its reputation through commitment, high quality and outstanding performance, as well as providing the construction market with new and advanced geotechnical solutions, techniques, and up-to date construction methods.
Bauer Egypt was founded in 1981 under a partnership between BAUER Spezialtiefbau GmbH and Egyptian shareholders as a joint stock company.
Since 1981 Bauer Egypt has extended its capabilities and services to most of the technically demanding and challenging projects in Egypt.
Region: F
Contact: Mr Rafael Martinez, Tel. +41 2467741, website: Lancuyen.cl
Registered Office: Calle Barros Arana 492 Of.63, Concepcion
Profile: Constructora Lancuyen was founded in 1997 and is a contractor based in Chile, specialising in underground structures design and construction with special focus in retaining walls, soil nailing, anchoring, piling and micro-tunnelling.